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A Guide to Gifted Talent Development

Resources to Help Develop Talent in Gifted Children

Oftentimes intelligent young people are not properly identified and, thus, do not receive an appropriately challenging education. Research shows this can lead to underachievement or even dropping out of school. To that end, the Davidson Institute has prepared the following articles and resources to help families identify options for developing their bright student’s talent. Don't forget to catch our subject-specific online program options below too!

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Davidson Gifted Blog

Check out the latest expert articles from the Davidson Institute. Our blog covers everything - gifted education and support, parenting strategies for gifted children, social and emotional resources, gifted testing and identification, and more.

Parenting tips on educational advocacy

This Davidson Institute blog post offers parents tried-and-true strategies they…

Tips for Parents: Seeds of Mindfulness: Creating the Conditions for the Flourishing of Your Gifted Child . . . and Yourself

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Tips for Students: Eat Your Way Through History

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Tips for Parents: ABCs of Sibling Conflict

The following article shares highlights and insights from one of…