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Fellows Gifted Scholarship: Categories

Fellows Scholarships are awarded to gifted students 18 years and younger who have completed a significant piece of work in one of nine categories. Learn more about how the categories are scored and review sample application requirements.

Carefully review the category requirement checklists below. Questions? Please contact or 775-852-3483 option 1.


For gifted students who excel in a specific scientific subject such as physics and biology.


For gifted students who excel in hardware or software computer science such as computer programming, AI, or robotics.


For gifted students who excel in a specific engineering subject such as electrical and mechanical.


For gifted students who excel in a specific math subject such as calculus and geometry.


For gifted students who excel in writing. This category requires three entries consisting of any combination of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama or screenplay.


For gifted students who excel in musical performance or arrangement. This category requires an entry of either composer or instrumentalist.


For gifted students who excel in the study of philosophy.

Out of the Box

For gifted students who excel in a specific work or study that does not fit into one of the other Fellows Scholarship categories.

A prestigious scholarship for high-achieving students

We award $50,000, $25,000 and $10,000 scholarships to high-achieving students, 18 years old or under, who have completed a significant piece of work.

Fellows Eligibility and Application